Carolina Renaissance Festival 2022
The 29th Annual Carolina Renaissance Festival & Artisan Marketplace runs on Saturdays & Sundays until November 20, 2022.
9:30 am – 5:30 pm. Rain or Shine. Free Parking!
216445 Poplar Tent Rd
“Time travel to the greatest party since Camelot! Enjoy an outdoor autumn stroll through the Village of Fairhaven where history comes alive with non-stop, day-long, immersive and interactive entertainments! The open air Artisan Market is filled with arts and crafts, games and rides, jousting knights on horseback, falconry, mermaids, fairies, dragons, feasting and so much more!”
The Carolina Renfest is usually an annual event, but it was cancelled in 2020 because of Covid. By now, in 2022, my household had dodged the Covid bullet and we probably felt invincible. Unfortunately one of us got the bug and one-by-one we all went down. We served our time in isolation and luckily escaped the really bad symptoms. We were able to go last year and were keen to visit again this time around. We chose to visit on Saturday Oct 8, and as before, we were not disappointed. I still felt a bit lethargic from my bout with Covid so I limited my usual wandering around with my camera and instead, spent more time just standing and waiting for the photogenic pictures to come to me. But still I have some interesting photographs to show.
See more photos: My Carolina Renaissance Festival Gallery