Sabela Images Photography
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Sabela Images Photography
Recent Blog Posts

TTC-CT & Jumper Show – 6/6/2020
On Saturday June 6, I saw a lot of “successful competition”, also “having a good time and having fun”, and “putting in 100 percent”. Then, towards the end of the day, there were four consecutive events where two young riders displayed all of the above, while they traded first and second places. Their riding styles were very different. One rode a tall horse with power and smooth control, while the other on a smaller mount had speed and agility, especially in the turns . . .

TTC-CT and Jumper Show 05/23/2020
Most of us have tried really hard to be patient and persevere during these difficult times. One ‘patience milestone’ was reached on May 23rd with the first horse show at TTC in over two months, due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The TTC organizers published a set of guidelines that required masks be worn at the secretary’s stand and in the tack shop, and a limit on the size of groups of people. . . .

Hillcrest Farm Photos 12/07/2019
Photos from Hillcrest Farm D/CT show on December 7, 2019. Some familiar faces were in attendance but also a number of new names and faces.
Next Year’s Shows: NCDCTA Recognized
February 8, 2020 D/CT Show
March 28, 2020 Spring Horse Trial with Dressage or CT Show Happy Holidays . . .

Loose Horse Springdale Racecourse 2014
Loose Horse – Springdale Racecourse 2014, Camden SC

Friendly Butterfly
On a hot July day, I stepped outside the studio and something landed on my shoulder. At first, I thought it might be an angry wasp because I’d seen a few. Rather, it turned out to be a friendly butterfly . . .

Carolina Renaissance Festival 2019
The Carolina Renaissance Festival 2019 is a full day of entertainment and pageantry as history comes alive with hundreds of costumed characters re-creating a 16th Century European Marketplace. There is non-stop fun for all ages. Music, comedy, theater, games, and rides. Not to mention hand-made arts and crafts, and artisan demonstrations . . .